Thursday, April 30, 2020

Regular Week Day Lunches

When our regular week-day lunches stopped in March (when Working-from-Home began trending) because none of us are going to work at offices near each other, we shifted the date online. We cook too, of course. But cooking every day is tiring. So we entertain ourselves with ordering food for each other. Hahaha. Very extra. J has her food tray and I have my food bowl. Sometimes it's food I've sent over to her, and at other times, it's food she has sent to me. It works for us. Either of us picks up the tab during the usual lunches anyway. Hurhurhur.

J has been feeding me plenty of good coffee. She surmised that since I live nearer to Punch and Gather then she does, she should order stuff for me, and I should eat and drink for the both of us. The crazy woman has been tanking up my caffeine levels with copious amounts of piccolo latte, pasta, galettes, and flourless dark chocolate cake. The man has been a happy beneficiary of her generous gestures — he loves Punch and Gather's coffee.

Then we had a craving and ordered food from Suju. The restaurant has placed some of their menu on GrabFood, but the rest is only available for takeout. Almost their entire menu is available for takeout, except the one thing I really want- their tofu and pumpkin tempura. J and I had their shogayaki bento that day. She had it for lunch and I opted to have it for dinner. Ahhh... we really miss the gorgeous rice. I love this version of ginger pork (豚の生姜焼き). It's got generous lean slices without too much fat. I can recreate this at home too, but I'd rather order from Suju.


coboypb said...

Ooh I was thinking whether to order Sun with Moon to satisfy my craving for Japanese food. Suju may be a nicer option :)

Anonymous said...

"Very extra" but also very fun. HEEHEE.
This makes the dreary work-from-home lunches a lot more palatable and exciting :))

imp said...

@coboypb: depends on what you’re craving for! Sun with Moon always has good sets.

@jo: makes my empty calendar fill up with something other than work calls and meetings!

Cavalock said...

Their tofu salad is also not on their delivery menu! :(

imp said...

@cavalock: yeah, i was sad. They took it off the menu entirely. Haizzz.