Saturday, May 02, 2020

Cocktails At Home

The BFF read our minds. She sent us a package from The Other Room, an easy bar that we hang out at once in a bit. In these times, the bars pair down their staff, innovate to package their cocktails for delivery instead in order to minimize the hit to the bottomline. I stared at the paper bag and grinned. Somebody took a marker to WRITE out the instructions and information on it. Strawberries and hearts were colored in. FWAAAAH. THE EFFORT.

The paper bag held prep packs for two glasses of Old Fashioned, and a bottle of red sangria with separately packed fruits. Wow! The BFF and I had a drinks call that night. Got out suitable glasses to throw in ice cubes and all the fruits. Opened up the bottle of red sangria. Made sure to read the instructions that someone took so much heart to pen. I had strawberries in the fridge, and threw in more too. That sangria was delicious. The bar made it almost thick and viscous; the wine used sat sweet with the fruits. Mmmmm.

We saved the Old Fashioned for the next night. We knew it would go well with a spicy dinner of sambal petai and long beans, and grilled Spanish mackerel. Cocktails sealed up this way keep fine in the fridge for two days. We had more orange peels anyway. The Old Fashioned leaned a little sweet too, but it was okay We didn't know what bourbon or rye whisky was used, but it tasted fine. we continued with another dram of Bowmore 18y.o after that to round up the night.

I don't miss hanging out at noisy bars. I only miss the ease of having a few drinks with good friends at a quiet bar or at either of our homes. We can’t even get a coffee together anymore. We now have great conversations over video calls, which is comforting, but it isn't as awesome as chilling out with them right next to me. Some people, I do sorely miss their comforting presence.

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