Saturday, June 06, 2020

Rolling Up & Over

Illustrations from

Singapore's lockdown circuit breaker has technically ended. Restricted socializing is permitted, and general socializing is illegal. However, work goes on and many people and students have returned to their previous routines, with face mask worn. We're now in Phase 1 of 'restarting the economy'. It's a cautious move. Restaurants can't open yet and takeouts are still the norm. It's also scary because in two weeks, there will be an expected increase of community infections to challenge our crisis management skills as a nation.

Some of the pilates and gyrotonic studios have partially opened, especially if they have physiotherapy team who sees clients for rehabilitation. Two months without therapy will leave many of these patients in agony. My pilates instructor has resumed seeing some clients too, prioritizing those with slipped disc injuries and fresh sprains. These aren't group classes, obviously. And the studios and clinics severely restrict the number of humans present at any one time.

I don't see the need to resume pilates or gyrotonic classes yet. As much as I miss the equipment and the accompanying workouts, as well as the keen eye of the instructors, I'm not in need of either method to rehabilitate any injury. I can't in good conscience, resume workouts when it's still a grey area in the regulations. Gyms and fitness studios are still closed. Why rush? Working out at home is comfortable for me. I've nicely settled into this schedule and am happy doing it for another month till Phase 2. Oof.

Rolling up and over and down to articulate each vertebrae in the spine.
(Zoom screenshots are so low-res.)

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