Tuesday, August 18, 2020


We finally stepped into Hakumai for the first time since end February. Reservations ought to be made several days in advance because with the COVID-19 social distancing regulations, the small restaurant has severely limited capacity. We managed to get tonight's second seating because we were put on the waitlist, and someone canceled their seats. We weren't anxious about it. If we didn't get seats, we'd just get takeout or something.   

Dining parties at the counter are now separated by a movable plastic shield, and each dining party is equipped with the usual napkins and wet wipes plus a bottle of hand sanitizer. These are tough times, and I'm glad to see the restaurant holding on, and keeping their staff on the payroll. I hope it survives the year without too heavy losses. I also hope it survives into the next year too. 

There was a decently sized whole Hokkaido kegani (毛ガニ, Japanese hairy crab) with roe for the man. The kitchen portioned out a small dollop of kani-miso (かにみそ) to be served with the boiled crab too. The man was thrilled. He hadn't had such a sweet crab for a while. He took his time with the legs and such. The kegani is reaching the end of its season, and he might as well enjoy thoroughly. Fingers had to be used to extract every bit of the sweet flesh. 

My kitchen produces loads of steamed fish and pan-seared fillets. I have missed sushi and some sashimi, and I really didn't mind these local flavors of Japanese food. Of course I also wanted to support Chef Gary and his craft. Tonight at Hakumai, I didn't want any cooked food, except for abalone; rejected all pasta and additional rice. Couldn't even stomach an additional bowl of soup. Had a few pieces of shiny fish for sashimi, and concentrated on polishing off ten pieces of sushi. Had a small bottle of sake too. I was super pleased with dinner. 

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