Thursday, September 03, 2020

Hello Again Chewie!!!

We went to visit S who is recuperating after rotator cuff surgery on one side, and a PRP + steroid injection on the other shoulder for the severe joint pain. We all went 'oooooooh' when he told us he was scheduling these two procedures, finally, after bearing with the pain for a year and exploring treatment options. The tear in the rotator cuff was large, and weakened his shoulder, limiting daily functional activities. Surgery has to be done lah, it's just painful, and always inconvenient.

S and N invited Choya to come along too, and poor Chewie had to be locked up in her room. Although some cats are notoriously not sociable, I felt a little bad; it is Chewie's home! We shouldn't have two free-range little things strolling around unsupervised. We could have Choya on the leash too, and Chewie understands that and will stay away. Oops. Sorry Chewie! These two hadn't met in a long while, no thanks to COVID-19 lockdowns and social restrictions. 

Of course we took them both for a very short supervised socially-distanced meet. Hahahah. Choya was like 'whatever' and she likely wanted to sniff the cat. She was like, 'hello hello hello' and sniffed everywhere, and considered jumping up on the desk. I scooped her up for the safety of all furries. She's always very excited to meet cats, but...... Chewie wasn't exactly enthusiastic. She was like..... "WOAH WTFBBQ OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!" Her fur shot straight up, along with her tail. Chewie was not pleased with Aunty Imp. 

For reasons unbeknownst to the man and I, Choya was rather comfortable in this home. It might be the vibes or the fact that she likes Chewie. Dunno. I was extremely grateful to the friends. Their generous offer to have her over helped with our 'behavior modification and gentle re-socialization program'. She knows S and N well, and has visited this home a number of times, but at this visit, I wasn't sure what to expect beyond her shivering and panting in a corner. The dog has been in this neurotic state of mind when she heads out to restaurants and other enclosed spaces including the friends' homes and especially at the grandpawrents'. I was stunned and relieved to see Choya walking around sniffing and not panting or being nervous. She was her usual curious self. She found napping spots too. Wow. What progress!

We were invited to stay for dinner to hang out some more. With drinks flowing. None for S who's on antibiotics. And the dog was in a happy enough mood and deigned to ask for food. She smelt our cheese. Hahaha. So we shared bits of mozzarella with her, and gave her usual air-dried chunks of lamb. We were like, 'you did a surgery and we came to party'. We win. AIYOH. The least we could do was to try to be neat and washed up the cutlery, plates and glasses. Quickly left after dinner so our dear friends could get some rest, and the little cat could come out to reclaim her space and feel less offended.

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