Saturday, September 05, 2020

Plating Our Dinner

On many days, I'm thankful for the cooked food section at Isetan Scotts supermarket. They provide me with quick and easy meals that hit a spot. The deli section at the basement of the mall offers a rather decent range of bento, side dishes and predictable meats. The cooking style for these is conservative so that the food keeps well and travels well. On some nights, when the man and I have no cravings and don't feel like cooking, we get a takeout from Isetan Scotts' deli counters.

I had a full day of work and errands to run. I didn't have time to cook dinner. The man was stuck in meetings all day too, but there was leftover pizza in the fridge. He could easily sort himself out in the day. But dinner would have to be takeout. We were also too tired to go out for dinner. I was at Shaw House, and it was convenient to stop by Isetan Scotts. I was there at a decent timing, the deli still had many choices of bento and separate dishes and sides. 


Got the man simmered sweet sardines (イワシの甘露煮) since he really loves sardines in any style. Added a serving of protein in the form of yakibuta (焼き豚) as well. I wanted a grilled teriyaki buri (ぶりの照り焼き) for me. Didn't need any sort of Asian stir-fry vegetables since those are really easy to do when we cook on other days. Resisted a tub of Japanese potato salad too. Hahaha. Added on a side of hijiki salad.

I didn't even cook a thing. Didn't bother to do up a miso soup because I was really pressed for time. (Although I do have those powdered dashi packs in the fridge.) Steamed Japanese white rice came with the fish bento worked for me; there was a single bowl of brown rice in the freezer for the man. After heating up the various items and putting them onto the trays, I only topped up the plates with coriander and cherry tomatoes. Ta-daaahhh, a not-too-shabby dinner at all.


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