Thursday, October 15, 2020

Need Chilli Sauce & Chilli Padi

There’s something about NUDE Seafood’s Grandpa’s Pomfret Soup that keeps us going back for more. Most importantly, NUDE at Marina One is pet-friendly, so Choya can join us at dinner. That plus point keeps us returning weekly for good food. I was just a tad surprised to see it on the menu on a weekday. I thought it was a Friday and weekend special.

Even with the dog, it's quite the perfect venue in heavy rains. There'll always be a break in the rain, and it would be light enough for us to zip out to the side for a pee. Choya is happy to chill out by the table, and she even gets salmon treats from the servers. Hahaha. (We already stock those at home so she knows the smells.)  She does love salmon in this form.They indulge her lah. And I found her she has her favorite servers whom she will only accept treats from. Aiyoh! Fusspot! 

I like NUDE's version of fish and chips (I'm fine with either crusted breadcrumbs or beer-battered), and also their house-made slaw and tartare. The best part- the kitchen offers that sweet-tangy chilli sauce which goes nicely with fish. I can wash the fish and fries all down with loads of chilli. Wheeeeee. I’ll never outgrow chilli sauce eaten this way. Tartare sauce is awesome, and so is mayonnaise, but it's very sad when the rest of the options for condiments are only ketchup and malt vinegar. I can’t deal with eating fish and chips without chilli sauce of some sort. Oof. 

The beer on tap currently is Asahi- either dry or black. A cold one is always welcomed. An Asahi dry is easy to down. Often, I skip the alcohol, because it's rather hot and humid. A cold fruit juice is nicer. I love their berry smoothie. It’s beautifully tangy and thick. It’s such a wonderful drink and dessert combined. I urged the man to get them grilled prawns because we don’t prep raw shellfish at home. (My allergies.) he went for the charcoal-grilled tiger prawns in mango tamarind sauce, lime and crispy basil were a total winner. He loved it. 

Ah, the one thing about their pomfret soup. There isn’t an option of sliced red or green chilli as a condiment. The fish soup is truly delicious and full of umami. A bit of taucheong is served at the side if one needs it saltier. But I’d really want sliced chilli padi to go along with it. I might bring my own next time. Heh. 

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