Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Table at 7 X Paulaner Brähaus

We finally made it to Table at 7 for dinner. We've never managed to get a meal at its Namly Avenue address (SIM Management House) ever since it re-opened in February. There was a planned dinner in the last week of March that we canceled since we were going into lockdown. It's not a restaurant for two unless said two have the stomachs of four persons. It's better enjoyed if we dine in as a table of at least four. Making a reservation online via its current website is the easiest way to secure a table.

We took the restaurant's special Oktoberfest menu paired with beers from Paulaner Bräuhaus. The four-course dinner was paired with four different but expected standard Paulaner beers. There were the lager (okay), Hefeweizen (ugh, no), Oktoberfest brew (erm... hops. nope), and Dunkel (finally. palatable). BUT some of us took the wine-pairing instead. Teehehehe. I couldn't do that much beer, to be honest. The wines were an Austrian white, and two French reds. They came in the form of a Grüner Veltliner 2019 from Gruber Röschitz, Vincent Girardin's Bourgogne Cuvee Saint-Vincent Rouge 2016 (my favorite of the night), and an easy Vin De Bordeaux Sommet Salue 2008.

I can't do German food, or what has been sold to the world as 'German cuisine'. Without Table at 7's unique fusion menu, I wouldn't want to eat anything branded as 'Oktoberfest'. Karl Dobler and Eugenia Ong's long partnership in Table at 7 has resulted in menus super attractive to the all our tastebuds. There was a choice of starters, entree, main and a dessert. The table was excited over the choices because it offered variety. We added beautifully steamed mussels with super delicious bread. Those arrived way before the starters on the menu, and the mussels began a most delicious night. 

Aside from Bavarian pig's head terrine with herb vinaigrette, Hungarian goulash, white veal sausage with sweet mustard, and pan-fried cheese spaetzle with roasted onion and crispy roasted pork knuckle, the Oktoberfest menu also offered Asian flavors of warm smoked rainbow trout salad, oxtail goreng and lalapan, chargrilled chicken sate with spicy peanut sauce, braised free range chicken leg in buah keluak and mushrooms. We were so so stuffed by the time the mains rolled around. Taking a breather before our mains and sipping the wine was nice, but that also meant giving a chance for food to expand in the stomach. That resulted in me not being able to finish my roasted duck. Haha. But it wasn't wasted. The portions weren't that big, and they were passed on to the man to polish off. As it was, mild indigestion set in for two days after this meal. Hahaha. No sympathy for myself.

Dessert would of course see kaiserschmarrn (sweet scrambled pancakes) with plum compote, apple strudel with vanilla ice-cream, and a local homemade banana crumble with coconut ice-cream. Despite yelling that they were full, the friends obviously had stomach space for dessert. They picked an apple strudel and the banana crumble and happily lapped it up. I picked out the dessert and handed it over the man and the friends to share. Oof. What a decadent dinner!

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