Saturday, December 19, 2020

Bakalaki at 5pm

Nobody objected to having dinner at 5pm. Hahahaha. I guess we’ve all got furries and fluffies to get back to. And when we finish dinner at 7pm, we'll have plenty of time to do all the things we wanna do before it's time to hit the sack. Alrighty, to Bakalaki for an early dinner it was.

It was a rainy afternoon. But the timing meant that it wouldn't be too crowded on the roads and there should be parking in the vicinity. While everyone else looked for a parking space across at Tiong Bahru Estate, I hopped out of the car and zipped into the restaurant first to chope our reserved table exactly at 5pm. I didn't mind the short wait and was pleased to get a 500ml carafe of rather decent house red first. The restaurant was FULL. At 5pm. Madness.

Got pita bread and dips of taramosalata, fava beans and smoked eggplants. Then the pan-fried cod came with fries. Somebody went mad on the mains. Grilled octopus was in order, of course. We were stunned with more fries and bread when the grilled skewers of chicken and a kebab of beef and lamb mince arrived. Also had spanakopita and oven-baked giant beans in tomato sauce. OMG. 

It was a birthday meal for N! Considering she got lunch the last round, it was more than fair that we got this round and drinks too because it was her birthday. However, our mistake was in letting the man order, and nobody thought to review his choices or stop him from ordering so much carbs. He has got eyes bigger than his stomach. Aiyoh. Didn't make it to dessert. We obviously over-ordered and over-ate. Had to box up some leftovers so that they wouldn't be wasted. Hurhurhur. 

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