Friday, December 04, 2020

Day Out at East Coast Park

Choya goes to a dog run, and she's done in ten minutes, or less. She tends not to want to run. She very much prefers to sit and chill and watch the other dogs chase one another. The man and I initially had grand plans to take her to the dog runs, and let her exercise herself, and pee and poop there as well. But NO. She now flat out refuses to poop in dog runs. She might do a pee. So now, we have to walk her outside of them, or simply bypass dog runs altogether. She is more interested in the dog runs if there're at least three Shiba-ken in there. Dunno what is it about Shibes. 

Yes, I know all the bad stuff that happens at dog runs. The one thing I'm cognizant of- dog parks aren't the ideal venues to socialize your dogs. The 'socialization' that happens is minimal. However, if my dog's recall isn't on point, then the dog run is the safest for her to be off the leash. And it's legal. We don't go when it's super crowded anyway. The dog run we head to most often in the evenings always has a core group of dogs who are her friends, and whose owners happen to be our friends as well. This is why I keep an eye on her at all times no matter the dogs. I've learnt to read the dogs present at that given chunk of time we're there. If there're super reactive dogs, I'll leave because I know mine will fight for her space and her right to be left alone. 

The dog can be rather anti-social. She prefers her own company mostly. She sees Maya the Pomsky almost daily, but she doesn't always bother with a greeting. She usually side-steps or moves away. Maya is so enthusiastic about saying hello to Choya, and to us. But our dog can be an ass. Dohhh. The good thing is, when other tiny or big dogs randomly bark at Choya, she literally rolls her eyes at them and trots away without so much so as returning a bark. (She does respond to a play bark or a play bow.) That took months of training and it paid off, and we're still in constant training in this aspect.

The other day, we went out to East Coast Park with Maya and pawrents. Glad the weather shone through all day and it wasn't crazy hot or madly raining. It was really for Maya to run free in the new dog run. (At Parkland Green opposite Starbucks.) Those husky genes! I knew Choya wouldn't be interested, and walked her longer along the beachfront instead. 

Choya also ran into some fweends outside along the jogging/walking paths. She was happily sniffing them, having a bit of chase (leashed) then chilling out side by side. They acquiesced to the pawrents' commands to sit and stay for a photo. Hahaha. Then Choya trotted off, having had enough of company, she wanted her solitude again. I see so much of myself in the dog. 🤣

I was very pleased that Choya at least decided to come alive and run about with Maya on the beach, and after that, humored us for ten minutes in the muddy dog run. Then she indicated she was ready to leave. We stopped by Starbucks. Us pawrents needed hydration before going home. For the girls, it was puppucino time!

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