Saturday, December 12, 2020

Izakaya 95 :: The Punggol Settlement

Drove all the way to The Punggol Settlement to dinner at Izakaya 95. The restaurant has been around for at least five years. It wasn't so much of the food we were interested in. It was the fact that we had never visited the area and were super curious about it. Obviously we haven't even gone to Coney Island. This is the start point to Coney Island (just a 500m stroll)

Parking was crazy though; it's especially packed on weekends when everyone makes a day trip out to Coney Island. For an area without much built housing or residents, the main carpark was small and couldn't even fit the number of visitors. The adjacent carpark was tiny too. We ended up parking along the road outside the construction sites where they didn't paint zig-zag or double white or yellow lines. 

It was raining in the afternoon in splotches. But when we drove north to Punggol, the skies cleared. We were glad to have a break in the rains. The dog was super happy and sniffed all around. There isn't much greenery or lovely patches of fields. But it was sufficient for her to sniff, pee and poop. Took a short stroll along the boardwalk to the entrance of Coney Island, then we turned back. The dinner reservation beckoned. 

Izakaya 95 and the next door Thai restaurant Trunk 95 are owned by the same company. On weekdays, we could order from both menus. But on weekends when the crowds are thick, we'd have to stick to whichever menu our table is booked at. Tonight, we were happy to sit outdoors at Izakaya 95 to a beautiful sunset and a lovely cool breeze.  

Didn't feel like ordering complicated things. I stuck to cold sweet corn, soba, and a set of grilled vegetables and quail eggs. The man was curious to try its sets of grilled seafood sticks, chicken innards, tsukune, and pork collar and shoulder. The food is okay lah. Good beer on tap, so I've got nothing to complain about. Super earnest and prompt service. The outdoor seats are utilitarian; and that space offers an unbeatable view of the water. For that hour, it made us feel like we were on a short vacation somewhere. 


coboypb said...

What a nice outing! I haven't visited Coney Island and the surrounding area in recent years. Another place to add to my long list. Haha.

imp said...

if you prefer to cycle to Coney Island, the bike rental shop is at the corner of The Punggol Settlement. :) But if you choose to walk, it's really a lovely walk.