Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Blood Cockles!

Had a late dinner on a day when the man and I had a super long lunch at the friends’ that ended at 4.15pm. We went on a Netflix binge and didn't bother about dinner. When we finally felt a little peckish, it was already 9.30pm. Didn't want anything heavy. Popped out to our usual Heng Long Teochew Porridge (興隆潮州糜・飯) at Tanjong Katong Road.  

I don't particularly fancy this type of porridge (which isn't chok/congee), but I don't want steamed white rice either. So I'll just settle for the porridge. I always ask for half a bowl so that I don't waste it. There's a dish of salted vegetables that I've never gotten used to. I think it's called 'chye bueay' (stewed salted mustard greens). The man loves it but I'm not a fan. It's not exactly salty; it's kinda sweet. Weird. I like my salted vegetables SALTY, and way saltier than what chye buay is.

Tonight, I only wanted steamed eggs and stir-fried long beans. Left the man to order the other dishes. "In moderation please," I reminded him. He came back with a total of seven dishes, including what I had asked for. Cabbage, ginger soy pork, pork intestines, and yes, chye bueay. Okaaaay. Hahaha. He was hungry. 

I blinked at one dish. Blood cockles! Wow. These were soaked in soy, chilli, garlic and coriander. A fairly standard treatment. BUT, I thought them to be raw. They didn't look blanched to me at all. As wary as I am of them, I couldn't resist having a few. Hurhurhur. But we were a tad frightened, and in anticipation of a possible bad tummy, we took a charcoal pill once we got home. (We were okay.)

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