Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Laksa Goreng & Lamb Shank Biryani

We don't have to wait for festive occasions to do these gatherings. Why should we? If we want to see you, we will. And vice versa. These gatherings are spread out over the year, and in view of the pandemic, we restrict the circles of humans we meet, keeping it to only those we see regularly. That translates into a small circle of friends. These are people we saw in 2018 and 2019, whom we prudently met in 2020, and we do so this year too.  

I'm not enthusiastic about hosting groups of friends at our home. A small flat means we don't have many seats or chairs for people to be comfortably lounging on. Also, we have a limited repertoire of what we can feed people with. Tapau-ing back is always in fashion though. We're sooooo lucky that we have many friends who're happy to have people over to their homes, and they have the space to fit us all in. That afternoon, off we toddled to lunch and fun conversations at N and S's. 

The friends picked up laksa goreng and super shiok sambal belachan from Rumah Bebe. We contributed biryani from Ali Nachia. Saturday's special was lamb shank biryani, so we had to have that, along with two packs of regular chicken and a pack of mutton biryani. And randomly added begedil and epok-epok. Heh. For dessert, there were cream puffs from Ma Maison, and rather delightful mandarin orange financiers from Tigerlily Patisserie.

We took our leave slightly before 4pm, while the rest stayed on for drinks. I managed to not even drink a beer. Hahahaha. It wasn't that difficult saying no. Although this is a group who will offer me plenty of alcohol. I didn't want alcohol at lunch lah. It was wayyyy too early. I stuck to iced water! Thank goodness we didn't fix anything for dinner that night. We were so stuffed from lunch that we couldn't eat anymore at night. 

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