Friday, January 08, 2021

Reiki for Dogs & Healing

So I'm iffy about essential oils, mists, diffusers and candles. I'm very not into crystals, healing, burning sage to purify a room and such. However, Choya's panic attacks last August and September have made me consider alternative therapies and energy healing, especially if these don't involve oils and scents which I'm allergic to. However, I'm not convinced that I should dip my toes further into this world of alternative healing, for pets. I know what my stance is for humans, especially for myself. I'm not going to care very much if friends submerse themselves in it unless it's to the point of total self-destruction or depravity. But for a dog who can't vocalize her thoughts in a human language, I might be persuaded to check in with an animal communicator. (They call themselves 'AC' for short.) 

I was having a chat with the BFF about reiki for dogs, healing and animal communicators. Dogs have heightened senses and they're extremely perceptive to vibes, energy fields and body language. So theoretically, reiki would work on them positively. But first, I'd have to be open and accepting of it. Well. Where're the Mythbusters when I need them?!

If you talk to me about the release of oxytocin hormones in pets when we stroke them and talk to them, I get it. Nerve endings, sensitivity to barometric pressure, to the other sounds of animals and insects, the call of Nature, et cetera, YES. Okay. But if you tell me you're psychic and you can answer all my questions about my pet based on just a photo and telepathy, without even seeing my dog, without knowing me or the dog, then I'm just this huge skeptic. I'm not wowed by excellent detective work, social media sleuthing, and instincts, or a knack for reading humans and dogs. Photos can't tell you the whole story. But what's been placed in the photo, how it has been taken and such can tell me a lot of information. Couple that with some bare minimum information, these details talk loudly to a trained eye, and very logical deductions can be made. Even the way I phrase my questions, especially if you can hear my voice and its cadences, it tells you A LOT.

The BFF reminded me that if this animal communicator (AC) conveys my questions to Choya, I need to be prepared to hear all her answers. She knows that there's only one question that I'm keen on, and the answer might not be what I want to hear. LOL Yes, she's absolutely right. Apparently I can submit a maximum of 10 questions or something. Maybe 5, depending who the AC is. But I'm only interested in two questions. And these would be,

  1. What is scaring you so much during the peak typhoon season (July to September) in the nights? 
  2. What are you worried about or anxious about most of the time at home?

These are the two burning questions at the top of my mind. Many days, I can understand the dog seamlessly, and that's not by her behavior, body language or actions (say, a twitch of the ear or a flick of the tongue, or her whole demeanor). I often catch myself understanding what Choya is telling me, without knowing why and how. She sends out rather simple messages to me. So I'm not sure if she thinks I have a limited understanding of things in her world, or she is just frank and direct.  

Also, the BFF is right. There're some answers I have no wish to hear. I'm not that curious, really. I'm happy to let many things slide. God forbid that the animal communicator (AC) give me a reply of, 

Momma, there are many people at home who are not like you or Daddy. They are translucent. They talk to me. They make my fur stand. They scare me.

Then it will be damn WTFBBQ riiight. I'll be sabo-ing myself. Then what?! What am I supposed to do with this information? 😱🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Anonymous said...


D said...

a friend did this for her dog too. the answers the ac gave can sometimes be quite interesting....some where it was insightful where she tried a different approach for her dog, and others, she just laughed it off.
I think if you do it just for the fun of it, and continue to be sceptical of how true the ac's words can be, it doesn't matter what the ac's reply. even if it is what you stated, as long as you can still maintain your skepticism, it'll be just for a good laugh... ;P

imp said...

@jo: yeaaaaah.

imp said...

@D: i need to ask myself what happens if the answer comes back as 'ghosts' or 'spirits'!

Unknown said...

If that's the answer then you can try focusing on solutions that counter that issue during the eh, peak season?? Haha. 😬


imp said...

@bmuse: how to deal with GHOSTS ah?

mistipurple said...

eh, uhmm.. bless your house? a catholic priest can do that.

imp said...

@mistipurple: hahahha. Maybe.