Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Samy’s Curry

When the friends flew into Singapore, got out of quarantine, went through three COVID-19 tests, and settled administrative and family details, it was time to meet. They would be here for a few months before heading back home (where they work and live). It was nice to know that they're well, healthy and keeping safe. They asked for spices. Somehow they didn't order much Indian takeout to the hotel room or their home. They did order other types of spices though, like Indonesian and easy chicken biryani things. But not fish head curry types of food. 

If there was to be fish head curry, then we would go to Dempsey, the one place that still does it well. There was a long period when the food kinda sucked and we stopped going. But it improved again, and we've been eating its food every now and then for the past two years. Always lunch, never dinner. We need time to digest all the carbs! To Samy's Curry for lunch it was. 

Fish head curry was the compulsory food item. And for the friends, the chicken liver and black squid were the highlights. They were greedy and ordered masala chicken too. All I wanted was the fish roe! The dhal and sambar here are good, slightly chunky. Or at least these current recipes work very well. I hope they don't change it. 

We eat curry and spices all year round. I don't make a distinction between winter foods or summer foods air conditioning features so largely in my life, and after all, I live in Singapore. What would my life be without hot soups and spices? But curry and such are especially tasty during this month when the weather is pleasantly cool and rainy. Slurrrrppppp.

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