Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Konro Got Upgraded!

The allowance for one household to receive up to eight guests at any one time under Phase 3 of our Circuit Breaker meant that we could all gather again, after a full year of not doing this. We've always gravitated towards gathering at J and L's home, which is centrally and conveniently located. And they've got a lovely dining table and space for hosting guests. 

The mad generous friends have never minded the extra trouble and effort in hosting these parties. There were always loads of wine. Even if it's not cooking per se, but to prep food to cook on the Japanese konro and such still meant having to fire up the charcoal, and then clean up after. And not minding the smoke wafting through the house. Even if binchotan is used, there still will be lingering smells. J and L went one step further to upgrade their electric grill, and bought a bigger konro. Wow. They're so serious about charcoal grilling! 

It was another fantastic konro party over the weekend. The weather was still great for these parties. The sun is hot but not as merciless. A cool breeze still swings through in the day and in the nights. I couldn't contribute in kind to dinner because I was tied up in a full day seminar. Had to tell everyone that we would be late. We were the last to arrive at 8pm! Thankfully we could contribute cash towards the purchase of the ingredients. 

There were TONS of ingredients. Loads of Japanese A5 wagyu beef cuts, pork, as well as 'overnight 7-up marinated chicken wings', chicken skin, octopus, scallops, Brussels sprouts, tofu, and random sausages. When the fatty meats went down and flame-outs occurred, there were shouts of 'VEGETABLES!', and the Brussels sprouts went down to save the day. Hahahah. I think that's the only reason carnivores do vegetables at grill-outs. 

I ate a lot too! Well, I was hungry after a whole day of not really having much food and I was caffeine deprived. Had carbs of truffles with rice, and onigiri. Ate plenty of Brussels sprouts. Tried to avoid having too many pieces of beef. I can't appreciate wagyu anyway, so those who do should have most of the premium cuts. I gave in to two skewers of chicken skin. I never knew bacon-wrapped lychees tasted so good. Hahaha. 

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