Tuesday, February 02, 2021

The Wolf Moon Over Punggol Park

For us, it's a far drive up northeast to Punggol Park. But once in a while, we still make the trip because the dog loves the area, and Five &2 is conveniently located right in the park for us to have dinner at. We don't usually walk in though. Pre-lockdown, we usually make a reservation since we make a special trip up. Nowadays, a reservation is a must, and for Five&2, it requires almost a week in advance to get a table via Chope. 

It was a lovely stroll around the lake. It has been nicely done up and landscaped. Plenty of green for the dog. She merrily trotted along and was sniffing around loads. She was super happy peeing in many spots. Then we went to Five &2. The man ordered a spicy oyster scallop omelette pasta, and had to have cuttlefish balls because it's served with sambal. I had a spicy salted fish pasta with sliced pork, which was absolutely delicious although the nutritional factor was uhhh low. Hahaha. An easy glass of pinot noir and gin and tonic rounded up the meal. 

It was a lovely breezy evening to be sitting out at the al fresco area to have dinner. The afternoon rains and fans cooled the area significantly. The dog was pleased. After checking out her surroundings and ignoring the barks of other dogs, she promptly fell asleep under my chair. We ought to enjoy more of these before the hot season returns with a vengeance in mid-February. After dinner, we took another stroll around the lake for the dog's final pee of the night. The moon was high and bright, the first full moon of 2021. And a quick check made us realize that this was the Wolf Moon. (Hence, Thaipusam was marked on this date this year.) 

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