Friday, August 06, 2021

'Barking Botanicals'

Decided to support Barking Good's first IG live sale. They were putting up a Bundle of Plant + Pot + Cake, and throwing in two packets of their usual freeze-dried treats. They themed it 'Barking Botanicals'. The cake was a lovely botanicals-planter-design cake. 

I definitely wanted that cake. It was cute, yeah, but the ingredients were also suitable for Choya. I tend to be a repeat customer of dog bakeries that Choya's stomach likes. Barking Good's ratio of meat to oat flour and other ingredients were fine for Choya's sensitive gastrointestinal tract. And her tastebuds like it too, and she happily eats whatever cake sliced and placed into her meals. (There're some ratios that she doesn't fancy.) 

Opted for a regular cooked beef. On any given day, she would always choose raw meats over cooked bits. But I still place them into her meals as a base. I can't have her stomach rejecting cooked food and top quality commercial food, especially if someone else takes over short-term caregiving duties. The cake was beautifully decorated. I loathed to slice it up into meal-size portions. After taking all the nice photos of the cake, I left intact in the fridge before cutting it up for Choya's dinner.

I'm not into cut flowers, floral bouquets or plants. Nope, not house plants either. You know that I don't care about them, and I don’t particularly like them very much. (I would also hate you forever if you think it’s a great idea to give me a plant without asking me if I want it.) I just wanted that pot. LOL It's a rather cute pot in white, and it also matches my other little pot. It's a 3D-printed pot from Little Printings. The pot will survive long after all the plants are dead. No plants have survived for more than eight weeks in this patio. 

Unfortunately, the pot came with the plant. So I opted for the most unoffensive plant that looks like it's all leaves instead of flowers. I hope it isn't delicate. They did say that it's a plant that requires little watering, needs more shade than light, and definitely can't do direct sunlight. Perfect. My patio isn't a garden. It's a utilitarian space. I can probably sort out this plant and water it sparsely till it decides to wilt and die in six weeks. 

If you notice that I've been saying 'plant', that's because that's what it is. The moment I purchased that Bundle, I had promptly forgotten what kind of plant it is. The plant didn't come with a tag of its name. I didn't bother asking either. Hahahaha. It doesn't matter to me what type of plant. I'm not at all interested to find out. Not even curious. I don't have an affinity to plants. I’m allergic to the soil, sap, spores and pollen. They do liven up spaces though, and I can live happily with fake plants. 


coboypb said...

The cake, plant, pot and of course Choya look adorable! Have you tried the cake? Hee.

imp said...

heheheh. i don't need to try this one. i've taste tested most of their previous beef cakes. NOMS.