Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Once a week, we have dinner at the man's parents' home. Their helper manages all of the logistics. The parents' tastebuds remain the same, and equally conservative, so when the same ingredients (sesame oil, ginger, black pepper and spices) are removed from the dishes, over the years, every helper’s food amazingly tastes identical. The man and my tastebuds have changed and shifted along the way, and I'm even more fixated on things that I prefer. Instead of complaining (of which I don't bother to do so, and really why should I be so self-entitled), I fix it by eating a proper meal before going over so that I don't actually have to eat, or I bring my own food. 

Also, after the February Lunar New Year debacle, I no longer play this game of hypocrisy. Being colder is exactly who and what I am, and that includes not compromising on food. I'm upfront with my friends, so I'll do the same to the in-laws. If we're eating together often, and this regularly, then I'm not going to lie or suffer allergy flares to eat food that I don't want or can't have. Why should I not be frank about it, especially when I'm more than happy to bring my own food and don't expect special treatment.

That night at the parents', instead of having the helper cook, the man and I decided to order from Swatow Seafood. Ordered some dishes for the parents, and some for us. We have made it very clear that we can't share food, and reminded them to stop saying that they would eat whatever we eat, because they don't, and they can't. Being polite about it isn't going to fill stomachs, or worse give you the runs because everything is too spicy. Even when it comes to Asian food, we don't share the same preferences, so whenever we dine out or order in, the dishes on the final bill would have to cover everyone's tastebuds. 

I had cravings and specifically only wanted two items. I wanted a steamed minced pork with salted fish. The Teochew-style fried kway teow with kai-lan and preserved radish (芥蘭菜脯炒粿條) totally hit a spot. The portions were meant for two or three people, or more if we simply nibbled at them. Besides the man, nobody else at the table would eat it. After the man took tasting portions, I ate up ALL OF IT. Hey, I was hungry! It was also very tasty. I love love love kway teow, especially kway teow done this way. I can't resist chye poh either. This is possibly the best meal I've had at this dining table in six months. 

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