Saturday, September 18, 2021

Mooncakes for Choya

Mooncakes for dogs are not made equal. Some give Choya runs because it's not properly balanced, either because they didn't bother to run through the ingredients carefully or they're made by amateurs. Or they could simply have configured a ratio (meat vs organs vs supplements) that doesn’t sit well with my dog’s digestive tract.

As with eating any new food (nothing to do with the quality of said food items), many dogs can and will get soft stools, and many might get the runs. It's not pleasant. I'd rather not have that happen if I can help it. Many of the mooncake ‘skin’ icing colors are limited because they use sweet potatoes, pumpkin or oat flour. Most bakeries try not to use food coloring. So if your dog is allergic to these ingredients, then they should not be eating them at all.

I'm confident of a few pet bakeries' mooncakes because Choya's stomach is okay with the rest of their regular cake/meatloaf menu. This year, I still opted for mooncakes from Thunder Treatos. Our friends' have been buying mooncakes for Choya from them since she came into the family. We like the mooncakes from this brand a fair bit, so this year, I had to return the favor. I bought a few small 50-g ones in pork and beef for the friends' dogs, and bought four big ones in 125g for Choya. The filling is cooked sous vide. They sit fine in the freezer for the month. 

Chose different 'icing' skin of Japanese sweet potato and purple sweet potato, and filling of chicken, duck and turkey. I don't give Choya all of the icing anyway, so it doesn't fully matter what they are; although she likes sweet potato and pumpkin. Hahaha. The colors simply turn out nice in photos. I was sooooo impressed that each 125g mooncake held a lovely Hokkaido scallop and black goji berries

The dog is on a BARF diet model. She eats a fabulous array of proteins. So I really don't mind giving her cooked food and some air-fried items as well. Rostered, of course. That's to keep her gastrointestinal tract well-oiled and used to a variety of foods. Her poop indicates how suitable her diet is, so I'm thankful. 

The dog likes the ratio of Thunder Treatos' meat filling. She also likes scallops. When the mooncakes arrived, she sniffed the boxes in the bag (not vacuum-sealed) and asked for a taste of it. Hahaha. Well, at that point, it was frozen, so I could only give her a lick of the sweet potato. I sliced it into quarters and one mooncake is eaten over two days, along with the rest of her raw meats and vegetables. The 7-kg dog shouldn't be taking a 125-g mooncake in one sitting.

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