Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Z's 'Coconut Rice'

When J said he bought 'coconut rice' at $10 per portion from Z at Global Mat Soul Kitchen (via IG), I was like, that meant 'nasi lemak' riiiight, which would come with a fish or a piece of chicken? It's slightly pricier than his biryani options. But Z cooks so well that I'd happily pay because the quality isn't easy to find at commercial restaurants.  His food surpasses most home cooks' versions too. He is a trained chef after all.

J took the trouble to drive out to collect the boxes of 'coconut rice'. We happily and shamelessly took our portions for our late lunch. The last-minute impromptu sale and purchase + collection timing suited a late lunch after our scheduled gym class. Gym to eat, eat to gym huh. Oof. Went home and gobbled it up. 

The nasi lemak is elegant, and thankfully not like the hotel versions. Very lemak indeed. I laughed at the egg. This egg was... scrambled??! Okay. That would be a spin on the traditional nasi lemak. There was no fried ikan kunning or selar. There was a piece of chicken thigh. I didn't bother with it and passed mine over to the man. I did accept the skin though. Hurhurhur. Z did the ayam goreng beautifully. 

Dunno if the cucumbers were pickled. I couldn't really tell; they didn't taste totally raw and clear to me. All I knew was, they were crunchy and delicious. I simply ate them all up and forgot to check for pickling or whatever. Oops. 

The chilli sambal that came along was sooo good lah. The sambal and spices from Global Mat Soul Kitchen never disappoint. I loved mine with just the coconut rice, egg, the chilli sambal, and fried chicken skin. Hahaha An utterly sinful carb-loaded lunch. It was so satisfying! 

Our only regret- we forgot all about the packets of ready-to-eat ikan bilis we had in the larder. This box of 'coconut rice' didn't come with peanuts or ikan bilis. I don't know if there would be too pedestrian, but I would prefer to have some ikan bilis in this. It would have added another dimension to the flavors. Ah well. The nasi lemak filled us up so much till we couldn't exactly eat dinner. Heh.

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