Thursday, October 14, 2021

Another Episode of Shitsplosion

I'm grateful for long-time gyrotronic and pilates instructors who are understanding and don't mind too badly when I need to cancel classes at the last minute, with like six hours notice, or from the night before. They know that when I do that, it's totally an emergency and something unexpected cropped up. This is probably why I cannot sign up with gyms that don't allow last-minute cancellations. Ritual allows us to cancel classes up to 35 minutes before. That's perfect.

That weekend morning, I had to cancel a scheduled Ritual class because poor Choya had the runs. It started at 7.15am. I'm soooo thankful that I now know her cues wanting to go out to poop, and I was at home to catch it. I was awake but in bed rolling around, thinking it was a normal day. But when she started the weird zoomies, I leapt out of bed and took her out in my PJs. Those were not anxiety zoomies. She was trying to tell us something. She went to her Daddy initially. He didn't recognize it and didn't get what she was telling him. WALAOEH. That wasted five minutes. Then she came to me. I literally heard her little voice in my head that said 'Momma HELP! I really need to go NOW.' We barely made it to the grass outside. 7.15am, 9.20am, 10.30am, 11.45am. Poor girl.

This was a bad one (bits of raspberry mucus, thankfully not jam yet and no fresh blood). I was worried enough to make a 5.45pm appointment with the vet. The runs abated by noon. She ate a small lunch and kept the food down, and her stomach stayed quiet. She stayed close to me all day. At 3.15pm, I canceled the vet appointment. Of course Choya didn't poop all of the next day. Her first solid poop a day later indicated that all was okay. Her poop stayed solid and went back to normal after. 

Not all diarrhea 'cures' work for every dog. You'll have to choose what works for yours. For Choya, I have absolutely no intention of letting her go without food for a day to 'rest her gut'. It's not necessary for her when she gets this sort of runs. She is dehydrated, and will need sustenance. I fed her a smaller portion than usual, giving her the exact food she ate the night before. Her food is what will heal her gut. Her willingness to eat is also an indication of pain. She was back to her usual self by the evening. 

Although I was super confident that the poop wasn't caused by her food (she continued with her regular food), it was only on hindsight that I could pinpoint a possible cause. Even so, I'd never know for sure unless I send her liquid stool samples for analysis. The only possibility of contamination was a bad egg. But from her poop, it looked like a bad bacterial attack or more likely, mild poisoning from licking plant pesticide somewhere. This episode was sudden, virulent and explosive. Just as suddenly it attacked, it went away quickly. Haizzzzzz.

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