Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Choya is 4!!!

Choya turned four over the weekend. I didn't bother to get her a meat-cake of any sort. She eats well enough lah. Of course I wouldn't give her that much cheese. Any extras = shitsplosion, sadly. 

She did have PupScones lovingly baked by Elaine of Scones et Beurre. Being on a raw diet doesn't mean she can't have scones at all. She isn't allergic to flour or grains although I don't encourage those in her food and minimize the intake. She could have some scones, and the point was also to share the rest with our neighbors' pups. 

The birthday girl had loads of fun over the her birthday week. She went to school to play with her friends and shared treatos with them. Yours truly cannot deal with any birthday party thing, so I randomly staggered walk-meet-dates with her other friends on other days. These aren't exactly play-dates since she doesn't really play anymore. They just like walking along next to each other.

Then right on her birthday morning walk, she fell into the pond and got her ego bruised. She clambered out and looked rather annoyed. Her lower body was soaked. On the way back via this same way, she jumped over the rocks again, and didn't fall in this round. Although she dried off quickly, I decided that a wipe-down wouldn't be enough. Pond water is eeky, and this isn't a natural pond. So when we got home, she got a bath out of the schedule. She wasn't too pleased. Hurhurhur.

I don't need the friends to remember the dog's birthday. Good gawwwd, no. If they happen to see a social media post and wish her, that's lovely. But they aren't obligated or needed to wish the girl. It's not a big deal. She doesn't care. Neither do I. Hahahah. This isn't like 'You have to remember everything about my dog', because chances are, I might not remember everything about your dog/cat/chicken/fish/bunny either! So for me, if your pets don't have a social media account and not on TikTok, I'm very receptive to text updates you choose to give me about your pet. Oof! 

We kept our dinner reservation at Tomahawk, but decreased the covers to the permitted two persons to dine-in. The lovely folks at Tomahawk got Choya a birthday balloon with a specially printed ribbon of her name. Awwwww... There was a party hat at the side for her to play with too. She was not impressed, and shook it off within five seconds of having it on top of head. She allowed me to take one quick photo though.

So according to her star sign, this girl is a Libra. Hmmmmf. I died laughing at this fluffy article that suggested compatible dog breeds with my Aquarius. NO. Just gimme the Shiba-ken, thanks. The weekly/monthly/general predictions for star signs are really fun to read. They don't rule my life although I do wonder whether that has anything to do with the bond between Choya and I. It has definitely deepened tremendously this year. Apparently a Libra and an Aquarius have a harmonious friendship. Hmmmmm. 

I think Choya knew that this weekend was special, but she didn't know why. She was just happy to have our attention, extra walks and outings. By Monday night, she was flat out exhausted and snoozing deeply. I don't know what Choya would wish for. I wish that she would wish for ten more good years with us. As the years pass, it gets a little more painful as our pets age and slow down. I'm determined to give her a good and fun life no matter what it takes. Her quality of life is my most important priority. No, scratch that, her poop and pee are my daily concerns now. Ha!  

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