Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Curry Debal & Char Siew

It was a night of homecooked curry Debal and beef Smore, home-grilled sous vide char siew and store-bought nyonya kueh. There were even mac and cheese, and coleslaw! Our tummies were super happy. 

What was to be a casual dinner gathering, and I thought we would potluck, became K and YQ prepping the food for all of us. 😨 Oh noooooo. K started on the curry rempah and char siew marinade a week earlier. He still cooked all day for our dinner. Wow. Luckily the kueh was store-bought, otherwise we would feel so bad to put them through all the trouble. Loads of cider and beer accompanied the food.

The hosts didn't even want us to bring beer or wine or anything. They said they had tons. I just brought a bottle of unchilled prosecco anyway. The hosts love rosé; since it was unchilled, I figured that they could take their time to decide whether to keep or open it. They tossed in the freezer for a quick chill. Hahaha. The Zardetto Rosé Extra Dry was surprisingly super easy on the palate as a digestif. 

It was really nice to gather around the table during the festive period with friends on similar thought frequencies and just natter the night away. Conversations like these take the pressure off of being politically correct. I'm eternally grateful to our friends who accept the presence of Choya too. If she's able to join us, then it lifts some of the pressure to leave the party early. She'd still need her supper, but at least she wouldn't be all alone at home wondering when her pawrents would be back. 

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