Friday, December 17, 2021

Tachiuo Sushi at Miraku

Swung in for a sushi omakase dinner at Miraku. I was super busy and didn't tell remind them about my preferences. But they remembered. Hurhurhur. Anyway I popped an antihistamine before dinner; that should prevent major flare-ups. I would still skip all tuna (except negitoro things), and scallops and prawns because I don't like the feel of these flavors in the mouth or throat. With the antihistamine, I was fine with the other shellfish.  

We didn't go big on dinner. It was rather conservative. We were hungry but not starving. Had an easy bottle of sake that went really well with the flavors of the fish, and the many shellfish tonight. I was happy to have kinmedai and all the usual favorites, including engawa

While the man accepted the Chef's offer of a futomaki, I declined it. I wanted the tachiuo sushi. The silver belt fish isn't a shiny fish. It's classified as a white fish. I also requested for a piece of tachiuo sushi for the man too. He had the lower grade cooked version at home last night and loved it. So he ought to have this lovely sushi grade fish freshly prepped. Hurhurhuhur. He was just tickled to have these fish on consecutive nights. 

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