Sunday, January 02, 2022

My Little Trooper Pooper

Ahhhh my little trooper. She gamely allowed us to dress her up for photos over the New Year weekend. We had to be really quick. She reluctantly posed, and then refused all manner of being posed for photos. Hahaha. She kinda knew it was a 'special' week since the man was on leave, and took her out everywhere. She also met many uncles and aunties and her godma.

The rain went all out over the weekend. The Met service wasn't kidding about the monsoon surge. It hasn't stopped raining for the past 48 hours and there's more water chucking down still. Amazing. I wouldn't mind the rain so much but for the fact that the dog toilets outdoors and this is certainly miserable for her. She doesn't seem to mind the rain; she happily pees in it. But poop... is another matter. 

We found a break in the rain and zipped to the beach where the breeze cheered us all. The break held for an hour so. But the drizzle that returned was light and it didn't bother us. We just didn't want a storm where we get soaked in about 20 seconds. 

At the beach, the dog merrily found a spot to poop. Then she went rolling about in the sand because she simply loves it. Wet sand wasn't very much different from dry sand, not on Singapore beaches. Heh. Then she plonked herself on the sand to chill out to watch and listen to the world go by. We watched the hues of the evening sky turned darker. There wasn't any bit of sunset per se. The monsoon clouds had obscured the sun all day. 

I'm obsessed about Choya's poop. Rightfully so. Arrrrgh. Her poop has firmed up. It should. The antibiotics and the meds should have done their magic. It has only been a week since she finished her course of antibiotics. I need a few months of solid poop please. What's left now is to try prevent an overgrowth of clostridium or any potential giardiasis. 

Money can buy us a limited amount of Choya's health, but we can't beat genetics and fate. We never know what could throw a spanner in the works. That damn monkey in May shook me. Freak accidents happen even to the most innocent. I can't have this little one die because of a freak accident. I won't be able to ever accept that. It would break my heart. 

You're only 7 kg, little dog. You can't afford to lose any bit of weight. I'll work hard to keep it on. You work at it too, okay? We'd like to have a few more good years with you. Nothing matters to us more than your health and happiness. 

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