Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Sake & Umeshu at Suju

Over the festive period, I haven't been really asking people out for lunch, opting to hibernate instead. Those whom I met, are the usual folks I see through the year, whose voice and faces I welcome. I didn't feel like being sociable to even work acquaintances/associates.

Finally we step into the first week of the new year. It was luxurious to sit down to lunch and sake with J at Suju Mandarin Gallery before my work year began. J and I had a decent work year past. Somehow she randomly lends me a ton of emotional support when it comes to work projects although our industries are vastly different. J got through tough rounds of negotiations, and I had a windfall by way of a lovely client. On the work front, there was nothing to complain about. As such, umeshu and sake ought to be had for a toast to another smooth year at work for us.

I'm not fond of Dassai. It's over-hyped. But since this is the limited annual spring edition (the other release is in autumn), I shall taste it. It was the Dassai 39 Funabakumi Muroka (獺祭 / 純米大吟醸39 槽場汲み). IT WAS VERY GOOD. I didn't order a 720ml bottle lah. This is lunch. I'm not that alcoholic. I had a lovely big glass of sake. It went beautifully with the food. I should have ordered a pot. Heh. 

The restaurant's food was still lovely. I hadn't stepped in for months. I don't bother going to their other outlet at Jewel since that's really out of the way for me. This one at Mandarin Gallery is still the most convenient. J decided on a salt-grilled salmon bento. I couldn't move away from my favorite shogayaki. Mmmmmm. Suju does it so well. It does it the best actually. The generous portion of greens and shredded cabbage the meat comes with always cuts through any grease. 

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