Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Vegan Dips To The Rescue!

J thoughtfully got all of us tubs of vegan dips from Loaded Gun Kitchen. Many friends have been raving about it for a while, but I never got around to ordering any to try. It wasn't on my priority to-do list. Hurhurhur. When J texted us about delivery dates, I was so appreciative. These dips are great as gifts to people like meeeeee. 

I blinked when the items arrived. So many tubs big and small! Wow. There was even a tub of poppadum! The info sheet suggested a shelf life of 14 days in the fridge from the date of delivery. All right, noted. None of these were wasted. I put some in the freezer and some in the fridge. Perhaps freezing might compromise the flavors a little, but that was preferable over having them go bad.

Dips will always come in useful during this season. Not so much for the guests, but dips are for myself, rather. (I didn't bother to host any drinks or makan for anyone this season. I severely lack sleep and I'm utterly exhausted.) Especially in between festive meals with friends and such. I can't be eating so much every other day. Indigestion would set in like an insidious hangover from hell. 

Vegetable sticks of carrots and cucumbers always go nicely with good dips. To me, that's a meal. A very decent meal at that. I could add cheese to the meal if I really want. We have plenty of cheese at home. It's hilarious that all our friends supplied our cheeses this season, but they meant it for Choya. Not the humans. 😂

The cilantro lime cashew avo sauce was surprisingly okay. I didn't mind it although I really dislike cilantro. But yes, the cilantro taste is palpable. Hehehe. The carrot kimchi hummus is good too, except I'm not fond of kimchi, so I don't take too much of that. I love the sweet miso cashew cream. It's more savory than sweet from the roasted bell peppers and caramelized onions. The kombucha BBQ pinto bean works pretty well as a pasta sauce. Ooof. Yeah, I tried. Tossed some penne in in and added mushrooms and shaved parmesan. 


coboypb said...

Glad you enjoyed the dips! I am eating them and poppadum as part of my meals or snacks these two weeks :)

imp said...

I have eaten them ALL. Okay dan and i. Hahahah Nothing wasted.