Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Another Dinner at Piu M

Before February ended, we scored a last minute table at Piu M. Well, two seats (high chairs) at the counter. The entire restaurant only seats about 16 persons maximum. There's only one table in the corner by the door, and they keep that for groups of 4 and 5. 

These little eateries remind me of those in the yokocho (横町) in Japan, except we have no such alleyways. Old malls like Fortune Center and Orchard Plaza kind provides a grimy atmosphere for these little eateries and bars that come in all forms serving up different food, but always offer plenty of alcohol choices. In Singapore, rents are sky-high, and to do this at this size with limited patrons and operating hours in the nights, it's of little surprise that ordering alcohol is a must in these eateries. They earn their profits from alcohol, not so much of food. It's a 'sin' not to drink alongside the meal.

Although the food always takes some time to be served at Piu M (one chef, limited speed), we usually finish our meal in about two hours. That made it extremely workable — no guilt about abandoning the dog, and we could get home in time to take her out for a night pee, and still get in a shower and some random chores before bedtime. Tonight, we finished our meal in under two hours. That was great! 

We didn't go crazy with ordering many dishes. The oysters had to be slurped. These are the frozen giant Japanese oysters that always comes out delicious. I had to have their miso burrata cheese. This is something I assemble at home all the time, but I haven't done so lately, so it was fun to nibble on that. The fried mackerel went really well with the alcohol. The man couldn't resist the 'CST' pasta. Coriander, sesame seeds and tomato! Hahahaha. It was an arrabbiata. Tasty tomato sauce. We also had a spaghetti vongole too. 

Tonight's sake was a bottle of Nabeshima Junmai Ginjo from Tomihisa Chiyo Sake Brewery (鍋島 純米吟醸 , 富久千代酒造). It was really good. I finished most of it. Hahaha. Then there was beer for the man, and we skipped dessert in favor of finishing off the meal with highballs. LOVELY. 

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