Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Valentine's Day & 元宵節 :: 2022

We had to skirt around restaurants doing only set menus for the double Valentine's Day weekend (as well as 元宵節 on February 15), as well as the lead up to end of the lunar new year festivities. This home doesn't bother to mark Yuan Xiao, so it's just... whateverrr. We're like, the year friggin started already lah! 

To avoid all annoyance during this weekend, we simply didn't bother eating out or ordering delivery. We picked up lunch, and for dinner, that meant cooking for ourselves. Okay can. We would sort out the dog's needs and then decide on food later. The thought of having to decide on food and eating can be rather frightening. Hahahah. 

We couldn't go far to play recently because of the rains that have returned. We are still in a monsoon season after all. There were few hours of break in the rain in the morning. It was cloudy, and made it perfect for some fun, and most importantly, a poop. The rains also made the dog a tad frightened (of the potential thunder) and languid. So she took it easy and snoozed all day. We also chilled out for the rest of the day. I finally had a breather between paperwork and deadlines, so I could binge 'Doctor-X' S7 and 'Jack Reacher' S1. Hahaha.

The man asked me what I would like for our Valentine's Day dinner. I asked for a one-pot pasta meal. Muahahahha. We didn't even have to stop by the supermarket for ingredients since we had all those at home. Dinner would be penne of minced beef and chorizo with beans and dried chillies. He cooked it American-style — one pot. Literally in one pot. Ooof. HAHAHAHAH. We have no disapproving Italian nonna to tsk at us anyway. It was super convenient and very tasty.

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