Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Cocktails at Kizuna

We finally found a date to sign up and pop into Kizuna for its weekend cocktail nights. The bar was manned by the OGs behind Ah Sam Cold Drink Stall. I hesitated for the longest time because I'm really not a fan of cocktails. I drink either highballs or a plain gin and tonic. Any else simply had too many flavors going on that my tastebuds and stomach don't like.

Tonight we started with a gin-based 'Ju Hua Cha' (sparkling chrysanthemum). That was refreshing and quite delicious. But it was all I could tolerate. I asked for a plain gin and tonic for my second drink and highballs after, and stuck to it. The highballs were superb. The man went the whole hog with another gin and egg-white cocktail, 'Kentucky lemonade' and a whisky cocktail. What a night!

It was truly a supper club of sorts. There was food, but limited to what Kizuna's kitchen felt like cooking. Fine by us! We put in a pre-order so that the kitchen could adjust purchases of ingredients, arrange for logistics and such. This is really not a professional kitchen, and definitely not a restaurant. Okaaay, it's really Shen's cooking, finding tasty and easy to assemble dishes to go with the alcohol. We loved all of it. The items trotted out were DELICIOUS. The portions were decent and we lapped it all up. 

There were cucumber fish cake (ちくわきゅうり), poached fillets of sea bass and clams (in the style of aqua pazza), steamed cabbage and pork belly (豚バラとキャベツの蒸し), and of course, the ubiquitous oden (おでん). We ate everything. The man really enjoyed the sea bass and clams. The fish was perfectly poached, and super tasty. The pork was really for me, but the cabbage was a hard fight between us. it was so good that I almost wanted to ask for a bowl of steamed rice to go along. Hahahah. I was this close to ordering a second helping of the steamed cabbage and pork belly.

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