Saturday, March 12, 2022

Instant Food

It was one of those nights when I had no cravings for food, didn't feel like going out to the restaurants, and didn't feel like ordering takeout. The man had no cravings either. So we decided to have dinner at home. That's when frozen cooked rice packs, instant noodles and spam come handy. We didn't have any greens in the fridge, and didn't bother to pop into a store to get some. Ah well, never mind. 

I'll always stock a can of spam at home. Oddly, I don't eat it as often as I would have liked. Hahaha. It's just a form of psychological security to me. Hehehe. I hadn't had spam for a bit, and really didn't mind frying it up at home. Laughed when I saw that there were only two eggs left at home. I hadn't gone out to buy more. These two were enough for dinner tonight. 

Sliced up the can of spam and fried them brown, but not too crisp. I like my spam still soft in the middle. It was a very yummy dinner of rice, sunny-side-up, and well, loads of spam. The man didn't feel like rice, and opted to boil up a pot of Maggi noodles with all its accompanying seasoning. Heh.

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