Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Man Turns 47

Birthday celebrations are always a series of meals nowadays. Pandemic years have conditioned us to simply treasure meals, rather than organizing an event or outing of sorts and have that fall apart. S and N bought the man a superb lunch at Samy's, a restaurant we all love. But it has become place that's tough for just two persons to eat at. Get a table of four, and our stomachs will be much happier. We were all already happier that pandemic restrictions are eased TODAY

The man and S love a number of dishes, especially the masala chicken and mutton, black sotong masala, and that whole plate of chicken liver, gizzards and hearts. Of course those appeared at the table. There was the ubiquitous fish head curry too. Food here is sufficiently spiced, but not too too spicy. Hilariously, we drank like eight young coconuts not because we couldn't take the spice, but because they were sooooo refreshingly on a blistering hot day. 

The friends didn't just pay for lunch. They even paid for our extra to-go dishes! There were leftovers that shouldn't be wasted. So those were packed up, along with the last bits of fish curry, and the man ordered extra vegetables too. The pumpkin masala and beans poriyal were totally on point. Those would totally do fine for another meal. Samy's food is the gift that keeps on giving. 

The 'leftovers' were totally sufficient to feed the man and I for dinner the next day! OMG. We simply cooked a pot of basmati, and heated up the rest of the food. We thought of adding some boiled eggs, but there was more than enough food, so we didn't. Mmmm. The fish curry tasted even better. The man very much prefers this style of celebration than anything fancier. The years indeed fly by. The man turns 47 today. 47! Where did the time go?!

Happy Birthday, my love. 🖤 

Food from Samy's. Dinner at home.

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