Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Two Meals at Home

Last week was a really long and exhausting week for both the man and I. We had a reprieve over the weekend, and that was much welcomed. Many nights when I'm tired, I simply don't feel like cooking. I don't actually enjoy cooking. It's a necessity, not a fun or pleasant task. But that day, I decided to prep all meals at home because I didn't have much appetite. 

Breakfast was a win because the avocado was perfect. I must have raw shallots in the mash, along with garlic powder, bit of salt and pepper, extra virgin olive oil, and a dollop of lemon juice. It was a huge avocado easily shared with the man. He had his with a sunny-side up on toast — a hearty breakfast. I couldn't eat that early. I kept mine till noon, then slurrrrrped it all up plain like that. Mmmmm. We didn't need lunch at all. 

While I wanted soup and vegetables for dinner, and could get a decent-enough takeout, I really prefer the taste of my own homecooked soup and vegetables. Green vegetables stir-fried in restaurants tend to be greasy. At least at home, I could control the precise amount of salt and done-ness. Soup is something that I really emphasize upon. Not many kitchens could do it the way my tastebuds love. Hahahahahah. Do I sound like a persnickety old woman now?  

So I cooked. An easy pot of soup done with the whole chicken backbone and pork ribs. I didn't bother to throw in nicer chunks of meat since I really only wanted soup. Dried mussels, scallops, squid and such lent umami. I had a bunch of watercress, and threw the stalks into the boiling pot. I'd blanch the rest later on before serving. I also no like mushy vegetables in soup. Hahahaha. #ImpieCooks2022

I wasn't intending to have any rice. Just soup would do. But the man needed some carbs, and didn't want too much meat. But those bits of meat in the soup were sufficient for him. So I stir-fried half a head of cabbage with anchovies and dried shrimps, with chilli and fish sauce. 

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