Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Labrador Park for Choya, Finally

Since May 2021, neither the man or I have been inclined to brave Labrador Park again with Choya. Loads of floofs go there on the weekends and such, and there're many there daily, and they've been fine. Ours was a freak accident on the most crowded of days. So I ain't gonna tempt fate again. However, fate still intervened. 

There wasn't prior discussion, and I didn't ask about where the pack was going that morning. When I finished some chores and finally opened up the app to locate Choya (via AirTag), my eyes popped out at her location. Labrador Park! OMG. I was stunned for a full minute. 

There wasn't prior discussion with the walkers, and I didn't ask about where the pack was going that morning. When I finished some chores and finally opened up the app to stalk Choya (via AirTag), my eyes popped out at her location. Labrador Park! OMG. Sure, she's in the relative safety of a pack, and under two pairs of watchful eyes of dedicated walkers. Still...

Of course the walkers know about her Labrador Park incident. But my fear can't interfere with the walk schedule and roster. I can be a worrywart. I'm soooo glad that I didn't check in with them on this particular morning. That would have totally ruined a pleasant surprise (for me)!

Her handlers told me that she had zero memories of the place, and charged ahead fearlessly. The walkers are always situationally aware, but they did extra to pause to scan the area loads only because of what happened to Choya. They parked at the area where we did, and walked the same route for the first five minutes, past the pavilion where I was stoically holding a dog with a ripped hole in her tummy in my arms, and calmly putting pressure on it to stem the bleeding. To everyone's relief, the pack met no simians that morning. Zilch. 

When I trust the walkers, it makes a difference to Choya. Labrador Park is a beautiful venue, and it's by the water. It's a park that she hasn't had a chance to explore. She totally enjoyed her morning (before the thunderstorm came in to upset her), and this particular maiden walk at Labrador Park meant a lot to the man and I. It meant a lot that Wandery safely escorted our smol girl to and fro, and created a fun experience for her, adding on to her memory bank. 

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