Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Loads of Homecooked Goodness

Toddled over to N and B's for dinner. They sternly told us not to bring anything. The man decided to make hummus for them as a gift. Told them it wasn't meant to accompany dinner. It was meant for them to snack on for the next few days. We left out the olive oil. Figured that they could drizzle it upon serving. 

Champagne and an easy charcuterie board to begin the evening with. Dinner was gorgeous! An appetizer of seafood aglio e olio fettuccine, and a main of halibut with greens, tomatoes and Israeli couscous. We were soooo stuffed. Then there was dessert of more cheese, and chocolates. Gosh, I ate so much. WE DRANK A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE AND THREE BOTTLES OF WINE. I literally rolled home. 

Kept an eye on Choya as she wandered around with Ryo. She sauntered around like it was her house. Went to the kitchen to try to convince the nice Tita M to feed her more food. When it came to their snack time, I was on hand to watch my food-aggressive smol girl. She was perfectly willing to share her water bowl prior. But once the snacks (seared lean beef mince) came out, she wasn't willing to share anything anymore. She shrieked soooo loud at poor Ryo when he approached. Poor Ryo was dumbfounded and went off to hide. He only came out later to eat Part Two of his dinner, and then napped. 

What a little asshole Choya is! She's a total bully. Got her ears pulled by yours truly and she was roundly scolded. Ryo is a good boy and such a gentleman. He could hold his own, but he hates confrontations too. He gives Choya too much 'face'. Dohhhhh. The man and I gave him extra head rubs and pats, all of which he happily accepted. Hehehe. 

We spent hours at the friends'. The floofs needed downtime. So they got it. These are not that sociable canines. So Ryo napped in his room, and Choya slid under the couch while we chatted. When Ryo woke, he came out to join us and wasn't afraid of Choya anymore; smol girl wasn't peeved by then. They were lying 30cm from each other, back to back. Fwens again. Then they went for a short night stroll together.  

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