Saturday, April 16, 2022

S and the Boys Flew In!

S finally flew into Singapore this time without having to do quarantine. What a relief. It's crazy that she did the quarantine thing twice in the past two years. What the heck. It was good to see her and her boys at dinner. Conversation with them is quite a hoot. Hahahah. Well, of course seeing S and having a f2f chat with her is the best, but the boys are really growing up so well, so they can hold a decent convo.

We went to Nude Seafood at Marina One because, Choya. She remembered all of them. She circled the table, sniffed the air and everyone, and promptly went to lie down near the boys. Ooof. She likes them lah.  The boys are just tickled because Choya is soooo different from their standard Schnauzer at home. The 720ml bottle of sake was just for us three — the man, S and I. The boys said no to alcohol. REALLY. So disciplined. 

Ordered a bunch of stuff to share — kale and ma haw salad in Thai pork dressing, pomelo and peanuts, grilled tiger prawns with mantou, and clams in white wine with a piece of sourdough. The clam 'soup' was too good to waste. The table poured it out into sake cups and drank it like consommé. LOL The restaurant was out of all manner of chicken and the abalone tsukemen. Hmmm. The man and I shared a seafood arrabbiata linguine, and S had the grilled unagi-don. The boys opted for the bavette steak that came with charred corn and scrambled eggs. We made it to dessert. Hurhurhur.

As always, I'm thankful that S still flies in regularly to Singapore. I've missed her! I'm always glad to see her well and happy. Time truly flies. Soon, all her boys would finish their National Service obligations, and one by one, they would be off to college and their adult lives. Gosh, has it been that long when her youngest was way shorter than I am??! Ahhhhh. S and I are really really old now. 🤪

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