Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Kebabs Were Rubbish

This wasn't technically cooking. Well, parts of it. The man wanted to do his lentils and rice again. So that's for carbs and some of it would be frozen for another meal. I wanted to get some marinated items from Ryan's, throw them in the oven and call it a meal. I hadn't actually tried their pre-done meats, so I was curious. 

Got kebabs of beef and lamb. Those were easy to grill. I forgot to check if they were indeed marinated. LOL In the end, the lamb turned out to be okay, but a tad tough, and the beef was completely unmarinated, of a lousy cut and virtually impossible to eat unless we use a sharp knife or scissors to cut it into tiny bits. Salt and pepper helped a little, but it couldn't mask the eeeeky taste of this cut of beef. Lesson learnt, don't buy the kebabs. If we do so again, we'll marinate it and sear it in the pan instead of grilling in the oven.

The store had no beef Wellington in stock when I popped in. I didn't bother to reserve. So I settled for chicken caprese. That required a final brush of egg wash before putting it in the oven to bake for about 15 minutes at 190°C or till it was golden-brown. This was fine. The pastry was good, but the chicken breast was a tad tough. Zzzzz. It went well with Tabasco's Scorpion Sauce. Luckily for us, the lentils and rice turned out fine and made for a decent meal overall still. 

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