Saturday, June 11, 2022

Beef & Fish Thali at Curry Magic

Needed to have some spices at lunch. Kerala flavors would be lovely. I haven't had that for a while. I no longer bother about the weather in Singapore. It can be 40°C out there, and I'd still be craving for sambal belado and spices, while seated outdoors, under a shelter of course. Since the man and I were out running errands in the area, we stopped by Curry Magic at Jalan Riang. 

The man opted for a beef thali set, and I opted for fish. The beef curry came with potatoes and bits of coconut. Quite nice. I like the fish. A small and manageable piece with piquant gravy. I forgot to tell them to serve only one little pot of rice because two pots were too much for us. 

There were loads of stuff to share. There were potatoes, mango curry, cabbage, as well as a thick sambar. I've forgotten how chunky Curry Magic does the sambar here. Today's version was chunky that it looked like a vegetable curry instead. I liked it. The man couldn't resist it and had a payasam for dessert. It looked good, but I absolutely refused to even take a spoon. It would be wayyyyyy toooooo sweet. 

Ahhhhh. This made for a nice spice hit after a few days of minor IBS flare, no thanks to too much alcohol imbibed. Tsk tsk. I really need to cut down on the wine. I can't do tea either, similarly. The tannins are really getting to me in old age. I'll stick to coffee, which has lower tannins than tea.

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