Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Celebrating N's 47th!

We were certain that the dogs were the happiest when we hung out at home to celebrate N's birthday. Choya had earlier sent a big vase of roses over to her ahemmm... 'MIL'. She wore a festive bandana to wish N well, and then ran off to play. 

The moment Choya got out of the elevator, she bounded off to run with Ryo. They sprinted to and fro, under the tables, and up and down the corridor. I couldn't even catch her to remove her bandana till much later. Ryo is always so proud of his 'turf' and he's the most affectionate at home. Tonight he also proceeded to nuzzle Choya non-stop. She didn't mind it. And when she did, she simply stepped away, and Ryo got it. 

It was a table of 10. I thought N would cater in food for dinner. She told me to bring nothing and cook nothing when I asked about how she would manage, and if we could contribute to the meal. I should have known that the birthday girl would totally sort it out herself. Dohhhh. Sure, she has an able helper. BUT STILL. N didn't cater food for the party except to get pizza takeout. She got them in two flavors of pepperoni and a vegetarian option of mushroom. We started with those. I didn't dare to take that much. I was saving my stomach for the mains. Hahaha. 

For the mains, she prepped her own and cooked. It was a laden dinner table. Burrata and tomato salad, warm toasted bread, and lamb chops. It was filling. If anyone was still hungry, there were two types of pastas — pork sausage and black truffles, and a hearty seafood mix of Manila clams, prawns and octopus. PASTA. I was a happy camper. 

We couldn't finish all the food! Surprisingly, we had a sizable amount of leftovers. N made us bring home a small box each so that she didn't have eat the food for the next three meals. Hahaha. All of us didn't drink that much...... We had two bottles of champagne and two bottles of red. Not too bad for a table of six drinkers. The other four opted for water and yuzu juice.   

There was cake! N said she wanted all 47 candles on the cake. Well, four big ones and seven small ones. Not a literal 47 candles. Hahaha. I forgot to ask which home baker did this. P got the cake in lychee and peach. The texture  of the sponge was pretty good, and it wasn't as sweet as I expected. The sugar must have been reduced, or at least managed nicely. It was such a fun night, and better still when we could get home by midnight. What a lovely party!  

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