Friday, November 04, 2022

An Easy Stroll Along the Rail Corridor

On a whim, bundled up Ryo + his Mama, and Choya and took them for a short stroll along one part of the Rail Corridor. We went in from the King Albert Park area on a cloudy and breezy morning. Ryo's Mama had not walked the Rail Corridor at this stretch, so she was curious about it too. 

Ryo is totally not a morning doggo. He was utterly stoned and didn't respond to Choya's greeting spins and tail wags. Hahahah. Choya didn't care. She was happy anyway. She was all awake and ready to go. She loves mornings and sunshine.  

I didn't bring along Choya's backpack today since it was to be a short stroll. When I do longer walks and Choya can't follow me through all the way, I'd backpack her instead. I did that when we walked through Clementi Woods. I would also do that on Lazarus Island or St John's. I have no interest in having the Smol Girl rip her paws in the undergrowth or be attacked by snakes or monkeys. 

Today, we didn't wear hiking shoes and weren't ready to brave the mud patches in the off-trail areas. I simply pointed those out to Ryo's Mama so that she could return to check them out when she was more prepared. But I warned her extensively about the undergrowth and monkeys, and to walk in daylight with water, a fully charged phone and GPS capabilities. 

It was truly a beautiful morning. I was pleased to be out and about in nature, well, as close to nature as I can get in Singapore. 💚 The dog merrily trotted along with me. But she couldn't rein in her excitement and kept darting about to sniff the bushes at both sides of the trail. Aiyoh. I had to turn my head around like an owl to watch out for joggers and cyclists who would be rather irritated by this smol thing.

Today wasn't that crowded, surprisingly. There were loads of bicycles, but not too bad. Choya leans right when walking, and often, it's a fight getting her to lean back left in our walking direction. I don't care so much about trainers saying to walk your dog on your left. Leaning left is a polite thing to do on walking paths. 

At the 3.5-km mark or so, Ryo threw in the towel and wanted to go home. Choya had rested and drank water, and was happy carry on. Hurhurhur. Although their weight (7kg vs 16kg) and stamina are totally disparate, these two things will walk a similar distance because 1) Ryo has anxiety and doesn't usually want to walk too far, even with his Mama around; 2) Choya has tiny paws and has limited stamina, although she's game for an adventure and new smells, and could rest and continue. 

We drove here, and would need to walk back to the car. Hahahaha. So this means that whatever distance we have clocked, we would be clocking the same distance back. People tend to forget about the return walk. LOL If our dogs can't walk, then we'd have to carry them! Hahahahah. Random stops to rest and have chilled water are crucial on long walks for both humans and floofs. 

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