Tuesday, November 01, 2022

A Farmers' Brunch at Crane Joo Chiat

I wouldn't have bothered about this 'Farmers' Brunch' except for the fact that they welcomed Choya, offered her a choice of food, and did decent enough items for the humans too. Hosted by Earth Shop and Cafe X Schira Hassan at Crane's Joo Chiat premises, it's a ticketed event termed 'Shawarma Fiesta'

The Middle Eastern and Malay fusion brunch menu had human food was provided by home chef Schira Hassan; pet food was supplied by Mum Mum Gourmet and yumgrubs. Choya's food came in packs. She wouldn't be eating since she had eaten breakfast. I had an insulated bag and brought home her allocated portions of food. 

There were oven-roasted shawarma (we opted for a regular chicken and one mushroom), kacang phool (a local rendition of Egyptian foul medammas), rojak (made with our house plant based dressing), and two desserts of semolina pudding and cendol

The rojak needed a heavier dose of spice methinks. It was too subtle for my preferences. We opted for a shawarma of chicken and mushrooms for variety. Those were nicely spiced and super tasty. I could have seconds of that and skip the base wrap/pita thingy since it would be too much carbs. Heh. The kacang phool was so satisfying. Cendol on a hot day was lovely. The semolina pudding was delicious! Not too sweet, and full of flavors from the wolfberries and dried fruit. 

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