Thursday, November 24, 2022

L's Chicken Congee Forevarrr!

It has been a loooong while since we gathered for L's famous chicken congee. I've missed it! We sat around her new dining table in her new home, and shamelessly scooped piping hot bowls of congee from the giant pot we did. It was a rainy day, and quite the perfect weather to complement the dinner menu.

We didn't go crazy with the alcohol. As usual, we all had an early morning to wake up to, and need to keep our livers happy. A bottle of champagne, a bottle red, and two light beers shared among six of us. It was a very decent volume put away. 

Choya scored herself an invite too. The M girls had to be kept away for an early bedtime. Sure, there's space and their yaya with them; they're cuddle-bugs who're happy to stay in the room all evening. BUT. Aiyoh, I felt a bit bad. Choya can't get along with them. The M girls are high-energy and Choya just wants to be left alone. After two skirmishes, we have ascertained that these floofs cannot be fwens in this closed setting. Zzzzz. They seem fine when they're outdoors because there're plenty of distractions and they're not in close quarters. 

I love how L separates the shredded chicken from the congee. Then we can all decide how much chicken goes into our bowls. Sure, there's chicken stock and fat in the congee, but I don't care about that. Those won't make me keel over the way potent prawn head stock does. I did score bits of chicken skin. Hurhurhur. I happily slurpped up the congee with cuttlefish and salted egg. Ate three happy bowls. Decided not to be that much of a glutton to go for the fourth bowl. 

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