Saturday, December 10, 2022

Bread at Dinner

It was one of those weekends when I refused to fix anything meal dates and gave my stomach a rest. Often, it's tedious to think about food when I'm not particularly hungry. But we gotta eat something right? So I assembled dinner. It wasn't even cooking. That was easy. 

The larder had chilli and cheese sourdough from Dearborn and a jar of their savory butter. Thawed out a pack of British Cumberland sausages from Sidecar and boiled them up. Fried up eggs; done sunny-side up for all of us. Added the usual raw peppers and cherry tomatoes at the side. Also heated up a pack of Soup Spoon's clam chowder to round up the meal. I made sure to heat it up piping hot. It was so good on a rainy evening. 

Dinner was literally bread, sausages and eggs. Breakfast foods at dinner, made a tad more savory. Wheeeeee. It was ridiculously satisfying. The man didn't mind it too since he was perturbed by all the '3s' his Lumen flagged all week. The non-fancy basic happy breakfast-dinner plate hit all the right notes with our stomachs, and met our nutritional requirements. 


jo said...

Sourdough + butter for dinner anytime.

Since I can't comment on the earlier posts - here's to always scoring good Mayday tickets and THANK YOU for the friendship, always ❤️

imp said...

wheeeeeeee. butter butter butter.

awww. yeah, i always turn off the comments on older posts- because SPAMBOTS suck.
Mayday is best. hahahaha.