Friday, December 23, 2022

A Christmas Meal with BFF

The BFF is off to the islands diving over the Christmas holidays. Before that, I grabbed her out for a Christmas dinner together. Didn't bother booking a 'nice' restaurant for a meal or dressing up. That's too fussy. Too much festive foods are a no-no for me; they might just make my IBS and indigestion flare. We didn't need 'designated' Christmas meals to be turkey and ham things. It's not necessary for us. 

BFF and I settled for comfort food. That was more important to keep our stomachs happy. We opted to have bowls of congee for our festive meal at Ah Chiang's at Tiong Bahru estate. We didn't have to make any reservations, and there was plenty of tables available when we walked in at 7pm. 

Added stir-fried watercress to share, and one century egg for me. Sliced ginger for her, and loads of red chillies for me. It was raining all day, but it cleared up in the evening. Our giant bowls of lean pork congee, and minced pork and fish congee were utterly satisfying. Happiness is this simple — comfort food with great company. Our friendship remains strong, and we value each other. There's nothing more I want for Christmas.

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