Sunday, January 01, 2023

31 December 2022 :: Our Quiet & Mundane New Year's Eve

Just like that, we came to 31 December 2022. Where did the year go? We haven't traveled, and by right we should be having a bit of cabin fever or have some boredom set in. Yet, neither the man or I have time to be that bored. We were mad busy with work, and Choya. Time flew by equally fast and it's 2023 now. 

We intentionally and purposefully spent the last day of 2022 in the most mundane but loveliest of ways. The morning was spent walking the floofs, checking out a community event, and of course a long coffee at Nylon. The weather cooperated and allowed us to have a comfortable and long late afternoon walk at Botanics with Choya and Ryo. 

The evening of New Year's Eve was spent in the company of good friends, and our stomachs were filled with food gifts from good friends and loved ones. The New Year's Eve dinner was a simple affair at home with B and R. We made an impromptu last minute date. So we weren't inventive and we didn't go overboard with the food menu. Ordered small chicken pies and picked them up from Chicken Pie Kitchen. It was a one-plate Chicken Pie Dinner! Heh. 

Chicken Pie Kitchen offers abalone salad on the menu, but theirs is super sweet, with plum sauce and dried prunes and fruits. Since there were like 10 cans of baby abalones sitting in the larder (gifted by various people through the year), I rustled up my own version of abalone salad instead — with baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, walnuts and unsalted cashews. Used a sesame-onion dressing to toss everything together. 

Then Ryo's nanny-helper made us a box of Filipino-style sweet macaroni salad (chilled) that is apparently eaten during town fiestas and Christmas. She used very very little condensed milk to cater for my lack of sweet tooth and upped the mayonnaise. Clever girl. That was so thoughtful of her. The box was just nice to feed us all as sides and not be too stuffed. 

Chicken pies with superb fiery Italian chilli and sides of the two types of salads made us rather happy. We were glad that the friends didn't mind such basic foods for a festive meal! They had suggested getting takeout of point-point rice and a braised duck or char siew of sorts. Hahahaha. But yes, chicken pie worked well. 

We had loads of coconut water, and plenty of whisky with ice and soda. While conversation just flowed, none of us wanted to stay till 'countdown', so to speak. Our stomachs needed to finish the last morsel of food by 8.45pm, and not have too much alcohol after. Hahahaha. The friends were sleepy and left by 10.30pm! Well, they would be having an early start on New Year's Day at 5am, so they needed their sleep.

Dessert comprised of thin slices of Aunty J's famous home-baked Christmas fruit cake. I'm so touched that she still portioned out a loaf of fruit cake for us. She injured her foot in a freak accident and is still in a boot hobbling around, yet she found the energy to bake us all a loaf each. Seriously. I didn't just text her to thank her. I called her and talk to her and check in with her and her foot.

Truth be told, I'm a tad fearful of 2023, of what the pandemic and ensuing recession will bring. It's going to be a rough ride. I'm not particularly optimistic about it. While my projects for 2023 are secured, and retainers have been paid, I could always do with more. With a bit of luck and may those odds ever be in our favour, I hope to get through the new year (emotionally) with the grace and support of friends too. 

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