Wednesday, February 01, 2023

福兔迎祥 :: 攜帶小狗和蜜柑去拜年

There are some home visits I make during the lunar new year period. These are to the old folks on my roster, and I'm most willing to allocate time for them. I have six on the roster (well, I was down to four last November, and they found me two new ones), and it isn't difficult to fit them into my schedule. I space them out so that I don't all angsty about it. 

My fellow volunteers had sent the old folks a festive hamper full of practical grocery items that they had indicated that they wanted. We also make it a point to turn turns to visit them. I only visit those on my roster, and for these homes, I bring along small gifts too, small items that they like and had mentioned them in passing, and my personal ang pows for them. 

The old folks' health are holding steady with regular medication and clinical check-ins, so they're extremely alert and happy this lunar new year. They don't do big celebrations of course, but they have the energy to decorate the home, spruce up their prayer space and altars, spring-clean, and also welcome a few visitors. They do this for the sake of tradition, and also for a regular rhythm in the passing of the years. 

Now that Smol Girl is older, is well-socialized and has proven herself to be calm in many situations, I've been taking her along to many places, including my weekly visits to the roster or to some volunteer sessions. This festive season, she came along with me to visit the old folks. I was super pai-seh because the old folks gave her ang pows!!! Aiyohhhh. They said that she's so cute and should get one for luck, 吉利意思、小心意. Gosh. 

Choya isn't a therapy dog. She doesn't have the temperament to be. She is calm, but she's hardly affectionate to strangers. She's aloof and doesn't welcome head rubs or pets from people that she doesn't fancy. So I have no plans to have her certified as a therapy dog. I know these old folks of mine wouldn't be hoping for licks and cuddles from Choya, so I bring her along. (Be very confident in handling your dog if you do this. I don't exactly permit volunteers to bring their untrained/uncertified dogs if they're stepping into the homes.) The old folks don't mind her because she's quiet and clean, and gentle. Most importantly, she stays by my side and not run amok in other people's homes. She has come to not mind some of them after a few visits and allow head rubs and some cheek scratches. 

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