Tuesday, February 07, 2023

元宵 :: 元夕 :: 正月十五夜 :: 撈起


Did my first and only lo-hei on this fifteenth day of Lunar New Year with the friends. It isn't difficult for me to skip lo-hei meals when I don't work in an office and there isn't a need to schmooze. Plus I'm firm when it comes to spending time having unnecessary meals with people who don't exactly feature in my life.

N and B warmly hosted everyone to dinner, and didn't allow us to bring anything. The yusheng was shredded and assembled by another friend. The hosts simply bought loads of salmon sashimi and opened up cans of tiny abalone to add on. This was a good 'yusheng' because it was filled with fruits! It was delicious. I generally like yusheng, and love it with fruits. I ate three servings!


Commanded N to get takeout because we didn't want anybody to cook and expend more effort on what had already been a tiring festive period for many people. If we didn't insist, she would have done naughty things and expended wayyy too much energy for a person who was nursing a cold, and recovering from all the traveling over the last ten days. 

There were literally eight dishes and a clam soup (八菜一湯) on the table, laden and full of prosperity — pork, chicken, baby squid, vegetables, and prawns. I opted to have the stir-fried tang hoon instead of fried rice. Fewer carbs to settle. I have to pace my food intake this week. The homemade achar by N's aunty was pretty tasty! But it was the non-spicy version and not as sour; it was slightly sweeter than I'm used to. There were steamed buns with braised pork belly (刈包 or 'kong bak bao'). I love that! This was a nice iteration. 


The floofs also had their festive meal of shabu-shabu lean beef. It wasn't even their full meal since it wasn't a balanced spread, but the floofs were allowed their 'treats' in this manner. (We balance a dog's meals over a week, not just in one or two meals or in a day.) N was very sweet and bought a whole kilogram for them. She blanched them and the pot smelt amazing. I stole a piece! Heh. The two floofs polished off their portions. Ryo was surprisingly hungry and polished off his full meal in two portions (two bowls) served to him within 15 minutes. Good boi!

Choya was at Ryo's all afternoon before the man and I came by in the evening. Luckily she had company because there was a fierce storm raging for three hours with rumbling thunder. As scared as she was, she was happy to have N and Ryo for company. I brought her an evening snack (portioned out from her usual meats). She was hungry after playing and chilling out with Ryo for hours. Hahaha. She inhaled that. Then she also slurpped up all the shabu-shabu beef that she was allocated. Then she was naughty and wanted to steal Ryo's food from his bowl, again. There was some fierce growling and borking. Tsk tsk. 


It was such a delightful evening. N and B are always so generous when they have us over for meals. They do prefer to hang out at home as well rather than at restaurants since home is a comfortable venue for Ryo and Choya. We certainly never minded! It's very very nice to just lounge around.

N had sternly told me not to bring anything over. Of course I ignored her. I didn't bother with mikan or mandarin oranges. Everyone's having a bit too much of those by now, and many friends are nursing sore throats or colds! Too 'heaty' methinks. Bird's nest were prepped as gifts for N, and I must at least hand my fav boi-floof his lai see

《正月十五夜》蘇味道  (唐)

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