Thursday, March 16, 2023

A Grilled Saba Tail

Had to have dinner at Kamoshita since we missed its tai-meshi (鯛めし). Ordered sufficient portions. We knew that J would be taking home at least half ofthe tai-meshi and the karaage. Once that amount of food was relieved of our stomachs, we weren’t concerned about wasting food; we simply added on little bites that we wanted. 

There were cheese, a small cute cold tomato, cold tofu and seaweed, and deep fried gingko nuts! Didn't like the warm potato salad tonight. Abandoned it after three mouthfuls. The mustard or wasabi inside was way too heavy. Yucks. Remind me not to order this again. 

However, I was greedy. Sure, there would be shredded sea bream in the claypot rice. But I wanted more fish. Ordered a grilled saba that came in the form of a tail. PERFECT. I didn't expect J to eat much of it. She had a few nibbles though. Heh. It wasn't a giant portion, and when I'm in a mood for fish, this size isn't a problem to finish on top of whatever else I had. 

Kept the alcohol light too. Resolutely looked away from the fridge holding at least three bottles of exciting sake that I was keen on. Had to avoid IBS consequences. Two glasses of Hakushu highball did the job of keeping both the stomach and the tastebuds happy. 

J insisted on ice-cream after dinner. Luckily for her, our 6.30pm dinner meant that the stomach had plenty of time to digest. Okay. Made a short stroll over to Birds of Paradise for a lychee raspberry gelato cone.

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