Tuesday, March 14, 2023


I had a craving for soup and hotpot. I definitely didn't need fancy. I just needed a hotpot restaurant that wouldn't add too much salt or MSG to the broth. Decided to stop by the old-school Ting Heng Seafood Restaurant at Tiong Poh Road for dinner. 

It was just the man and I, but we were hungry. While we didn't go crazy over the menu, we ordered loads. Passed on all the shellfish and seafood though. Didn't even get prawns. The man didn't feel like expending effort to peel them. Good for me then. At least I don't have to worry about an allergic flare.

Decided to go lighter tonight and get plenty of vegetables. Picked out a grouper soup stock (the small one for $45); yes, it comes with four big pieces of fish. Added nai bai and watercress, Fuzhou fishballs for me, and for the man, some sort of marinated chicken meat, pork and beef meatballs. Got a small portion of low-carb tanghoon for the man. It did look like too much food when everything arrived. BUT. We ate them all. Hahahah. 

It was lovely sitting out tonight under a big tree. The heat is back, and it was sizzling in the day. But tonight, there was even a cool breeze wafting through. The leaves rustled, and it was really beautiful. There was a buzz as tables enjoyed their food and conversation. For a small bit, I could imagine that I was in Hong Kong at my favorite out-of-the-way-for-tourists da pai dong (大排檔) having a late dinner. 

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